Artist wearing a colorful jacket with two paintings; Goddess of Land and Goddess of Fire.

VcMor Chimenim Ezewhem Prince Sam Eligwe

/ Vic.mor | Chi.may.nim | A.ze.whem | Prince Sam | A.leeg.way \


VcMor Eligwe is a multi-media artist who specializes in acrylic painting. He’s a first generation American who was raised in Nigeria. His appreciation for the arts erupted when he was five years old. As he recalls in detail; it was a typical Saturday morning, just after breakfast, while reenacting the fight scenes from his favorite show; the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. His older brother handed him a piece of paper with a drawing on it and his eyes lit up, he couldn’t believe... it was the Ninja Turtles! He was astonished that he didn’t have to wait a whole week to see them on tv again, but even more so, overwhelmed with the idea of being able to create them himself. He imagined that if he could obtain and hone this skill, there would be no limit to what he could create.


What got me into creating art were Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello, the namesakes of the ever famous renaissance painters. Ironically, I was never really inspired by any of the late greats. My creativity developed from youthful experiences, and I received inspiration from the subjects of my environment and the richness of my culture; While painting, I envision some of my favorite childhood memories like the masquerade festivals and the marketplace encounters, and then I immerse myself in songs and dancing as I remember the beating of the drums and the rhythmic chats of the market women in their native tongues. I use vibrant colors to match the scintillating attires that complemented the beautiful dark skins that wore them. Today, my paintings are a recreation of my visual perceptions, inspired by a combination of my adolescent imagination as well as my evolving experiences.

Eligwe continued to find inspiration throughout college, where he graduated with a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, with a focus in Graphic Design and Painting. He has since exhibited at the Juanita Harvey Art Gallery, had his work shown in the Fain Fine Arts Museum, collaborated with RAWArtists Dallas, and had his painting featured at the Wichita Falls airport; along with local small businesses and many family homes. His exhibition at Event1013 in September of 2021, marks a defining moment in his career as it is his first of many solo exhibitions to come.